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Merry Home fully acknowledged the truth that our people are the most valuable assets. We simply hire and retain those who aim and who are able to be the best in our industry. Join us and unleash your talent and creativity at one of the leading residential leasing and relocation service provider. If you have interest in a career with us and have previous experience in real estate, hospitality, sales & marketing, please forward your resume to
Merry Home的客户以上海的领事馆和跨国企业的高管为主。你将有机会接触和了解上海的上层社会。这将迅速提高你的综合素质,扩大你的视野,积累社会人脉关系。你的职业生涯起点就站在更高处。
Merry Home实行底薪加佣金比例的薪资制度。无责任底薪和业内最高的提成让高薪不再只是梦想。年薪10万?20万?追求卓越,勇于挑战的你值得拥有!
应届毕业生?零经验?没有关系。Merry Home为新同事提供全面系统的培训,帮你尽快成长;从助理,到资深顾问,到区域经理,甚至合伙人,Merry Home公正透明的晋升制度让你一步一步走向成功。
Merry Home人性化的管理和“Family家”的企业文化让你的工作充满了温情。生日祝福,羽毛球比赛,每年两次旅游,聚餐活动…,温暖的公司大家庭给你最积极的支持。